The insights shared by Marchand provide valuable insight into his life as an entrepreneur – from his successes to his failures – giving readers a look into how he achieved such success so quickly. By following his advice, aspiring entrepreneurs can set themselves up for success.
For more information on Rod F. Marchand and his insights, check out his website or follow him on social media. With a little hard work and dedication, anyone can achieve their dreams of becoming an entrepreneur.
Is There a Message in Your Novel That You Want Readers to Grasp? The main message in the book is to get my readers to into a positive mindset. Whether it’s in business, management or even daily life, if you believe it, you can achieve it!
It’s a fun, yet realistic story of what it takes to keep your head up in times of trial – when all you can think is Man…F@#K! out of frustration – in order to ultimately make your dreams a reality. Purchase on Amazon
Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing? The most challenging part was finding the uninterrupted time to do it!
How many books have you written and which is your favorite? This if my very first published book!
If You had the chance to cast your main character from Hollywood today, who would you pick and why? I really don’t have an answer for that! I think it would be just simply an honor to even be considered for film.